Cognitive radio brings
a concept shift as a well regarded agile technology that allows opening up the frequency
bands to concurrent operating users in a non-interfering mode. Accordingly to
make possible spectrum sharing without causing harmful interference to existing
traffics, cognitive users should possess a minimum of information about their
surrounding non cognitive users. Depending on the knowledge that is needed to coexist
with the primary network, cognitive radio approaches fall into three classes:
Underlay, Overlay and Interweave [1].
Underlay approach: Simultaneous cognitive and non cognitive
transmissions are allowed as long as the interference level at the primary user
side remains acceptable. Exceeding the predefined tolerable interference threshold
may degrade dramatically the primary signal. In recent literature, many advanced
signal processing techniques have proven to be very efficient for interference
avoidance and mitigation, among which we find the beamforming and the spread
spectrum. Beamforming consists on exploiting the superposition concept of waves
to guide the signal toward a specific receiver using multiple antennas. More
importantly, in a cognitive context constructive or destructive interference is provoked at the intended cognitive receiver in order to lessen the interference
caused to non cognitive users while focusing the signal energy in the direction
of secondary users. Using the spread spectrum technique, the secondary signal
is multiplied by a spreading code to obtain a weaker signal with wider band.
The resulting spread signal causes lower interference level to non cognitive
users. The original secondary signal is recovered at the receiver side by
simply multiplying the input signal with the same spreading code. The spread
spectrum technique is also useful for alleviating the interference caused by
the primary signals to the secondary ones. Another common solution could be
limiting the power of the secondary signal to keep the interference level at
the primary side bounded albeit restricting the secondary transmissions to
short range communications.
Overlay approach: In this approach, non cognitive users share knowledge of their
signal codebooks and messages with the cognitive users. Thus, the cognitive
devices may enhance and assist the non cognitive transmission rather than vying
for spectrum access. More precisely, cognitive devices overhear the messages
sent by non cognitive sources and use these messages either to eliminate the
interference generated by the primary communication at the cognitive receiver
side or to improve the performance of the primary transmission through relaying
the accumulated messages to the primary receiver. The latter case allows the
cognitive device to transmit at the same time as the non cognitive transmitter
provided that its overall transmit power is fairly covering the energy needs of
its own communication as well as its relaying operation. A trade-off should be
carefully designed between the interference induced on the primary signal and
the improvement brought to it to achieve a stagnant SNR.
Interweave approach: This spectral coexistence approach has been
proposed in the objective of enabling devices to occupy the spectrum rooms that
has been left vacant by non cognitive users. The surrounding environment should
be observed to be able to predict the state of each portion of the frequency
spectrum, portions of spectrum that are considered as being under-utilized may
be accessed by secondary users as long as the primary activity remains idle. In order to facilitate the coexistence of both primary and
secondary traffics within the same network in an opportunistic transmission
mode, spectrum opportunities should be actively identified and monitored. On
one hand, cognitive users may conduct sensing operations permanently and
reliably, different dimensions have to be explored to find the abundant
spectrum gaps. Legacy sensing algorithms monitor and supervise the spectrum
through three conventional dimensions: frequency, time and space domains.
However, other degrees of freedom (DoF) such as the used code and the angle of
arrival may be examined. On the other hand,
geographic coordination through a central database to identify the vacant gaps is a good substitute for selfish spectral sensing. Combining both methods
may be also envisaged.
Hybrid schemes using a
combination of the aforementioned paradigms [2] have a great potential to
improve the efficiency of spectrum sharing. The benefit of such schemes is that
it allows secondary users to maximize their transmission rate once a
spectrum opportunity is detected.
[1] A. Goldsmith, S.A.
Jafar, I. Maric, and S. Srinivasa, "Breaking spectrum gridlock with cognitive
radios: An information theoretic perspective," Proc. IEEE, vol. 97, no. 5, pp. 894-914, May
[2] Z. Wu and B.
Natarajan, "Interference Tolerant Agile Cognitive Radio: Maximize Channel
Capacity of Cognitive Radio," Consumer Communications and Networking
Conference, pp. 1027-1031, January 2007.
Spectrum Speed Test